While many people sign premarital agreements prior to the marriage that identify property interests for each spouse, a couple can also sign a post-marital agreement after the wedding that provides the same benefits. Similar to premarital agreements, post-marital agreements must abide by certain rules per Florida law or else risk…
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The purpose of alimony, also known as spousal support, is to provide financial assistance to a spouse during and after a divorce who makes less income or has a lower earning potential than the other spouse. But what if the spouse paying alimony wishes to retire? Factors Considered for Alimony …
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Property distribution is often one of the most complex aspects of a Florida divorce case. One of the first steps in this process is determining the value of the marital assets in an estate, which can be a complicated process. Florida Equitable Distribution Property distribution in a divorce is either…
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Alternative dispute resolution can be an efficient and effective way to settle the issues in a Florida divorce. However, there are benefits and drawbacks to utilizing this method over traditional divorce litigation in court. Benefits of Divorce Mediation Judges often encourage couples to seek mediation services in a Florida divorce,…
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In a divorce or paternity case involving children under eighteen years old, child support is an issue that must be determined by the parents and the Florida court. Both parents have a duty under the law to financially support their child, but various factors dictate how much each parent must…
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High value, or high asset, divorce cases are often incredibly complex and involve a multitude of issues surrounding property division, spousal support, and child support. Spouses in high income divorces often must determine what to do with significant assets, many of which are not at issue in lower value divorce…
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Establishing the paternity of a child is one of the best things that you can do for a parent and a child. If you wish to determine a child’s father or if you have been served with a paternity action in the Tampa Bay area, it is important that you…
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The people involved in a child custody case go beyond just the two parents. Third persons that play a role in your child’s life can have a substantial impact on the outcome of the custody and visitation arrangement for you and your child. What Third Persons Can Affect the Case? …
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Navigating the process of divorce in Florida can be complicated, and it can be even more complex when one or both spouses are in the military. The first step in finding the right lawyer for your military divorce is to ask for referrals and do your own research. If you…
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Many people associate an uncontested divorce with an easy process, but spouses who run the risk of handling an uncontested divorce on their own could end up in a complex situation with no one on their side to help. What is an Uncontested Divorce? An uncontested divorce is one where…
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