In order to explore the option of an uncontested divorce in the state of Florida, you and your spouse need to agree on key issues. When there are ongoing disputes, it may not be possible to secure an uncontested divorce agreement, a judge may have to be involved to make…
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Anytime a person experiences a drastic shift in their income, it is common for that individual to need to look over their budget and make some changes. So, if you lose your job, it makes sense that you will not be able to afford everything you were paying for when…
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Making the transition from spouses who share parenting responsibilities to co-parents who live separate lives is not always easy, but there are plenty of tools to help parents through the process. One of the main ones is a parenting plan. A parenting plan is a legal document that outlines how…
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Social media is part of daily life for many in Florida and around the world. People use their social media accounts to stay in touch with family members, follow their favorite news outlets, and share their professional accomplishments. These platforms can be fun, engaging, and entertaining for individuals, but when…
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Legal concerns are only one component of a Florida divorce. Emotional strain is also likely, it is common for individuals to feel overwhelmed by feelings of anger, sadness, and grief. This is natural, shifting your entire living situation and plans for the future is upsetting. It can take time to…
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At the time of a divorce, child support agreements are made based on the financial facts and parenting arrangement of the parents at the time, taking the needs of the children into account. But life isn’t stagnant, there are times when the circumstances of the parents have changed or the…
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Many adults grew up with divorced parents, and in many of those families the mother was often the primary custodial parent and time spent with dad took place every other weekend and on holidays. But in the past couple of decades, custodial preferences have changed and many divorcing parents choose…
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When a person is wondering if their divorce case will end up in a Florida court or not, the answer is usually that it depends. For example, is your divorce contested or uncontested? If an uncontested divorce is possible, you and your spouse will reach an agreement through compromise and…
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To determine if you can achieve your post-divorce goals, connect with an attorney who will help you achieve your objectives. From your very first attorney-client meeting, you need to ask questions to be sure you are hiring the right attorney for you. Separation Terms and Next Steps When you meet…
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People have different opinions about premarital agreements, some find them to be a useful tool while others do not feel comfortable talking about a pending marriage ending. The truth is if you are considering a prenuptial agreement, you may need one. A type of legal document, prenups protect individuals financially…
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