TAMPA, FL – Trenam is pleased to announce that 32 of the firm's attorneys have been named to Best Lawyers in America 2016. These attorneys are selected as the top lawyers practicing in Florida according to their peers. The following attorneys were recognized as 2016 Best Lawyers in America: * Listed as 2016 Tampa…
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Best Lawyers is a peer-review publication where leading lawyers participate in evaluating their professional peers in the legal profession. Among the lawyers listed only one lawyer is named in each community as “Lawyer of the Year” for each specialty. Trenam is proud to have 4 lawyers listed as “2015 Lawyer of…
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Trenam Kemker Receives 20 First-Tier Rankings: 2014 U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” Guide
Trenam Kemker is pleased to announce 20 of its practice areas have been ranked “Tier One” (the highest rating) by U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers. The rankings provide a comprehensive view of the U.S. legal profession that is unprecedented both in the range of firms represented and in the range…
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