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Protect Your IP: Three Important Agreements for Founders and Executives

By Business Transactions, Technology Company Transactions, TrenamTech, TrenamTech
As you grow your business, develop your intellectual property, and fine-tune your processes, it is very important that you protect your confidential information and intellectual property. Most people know that obtaining patents, trademarks, and copyright registrations are common ways to protect intellectual property, but the agreements that you implement with…
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Sheryl Hunter Discusses the Importance of Women’s Presence Increasing for the IP and Patent World in the Tampa Bay Business Journal.

By Business Transactions, News, TrenamTech
New efforts are on the rise to increase female presence beyond the traditional roles within STEM-the science, technology, engineering, and math fields. Sheryl Hunter was quoted in the Tampa Bay Business Journal on May 25, 2023, discussing the importance of women gaining more knowledge in these fields to serve their…
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